Wednesday, April 06, 2005

018: My Apologies

I feel so bad. I just want to explain that the gaps in post numbers are due to me: I’m unable to finish what I've started. Well, it just that once I've ideas about what I want to write about, I eagerly jot them down on my journal. Then as soon as I get home or have some free time, rushing over to my computer and firing it up, I let my fingers dance over the keyboard. At first the flow is good. The words I string together hold the full meaning of what I want to convey. Yet somewhere in between the sturdy beginning and the illusive end, a dike gets erected, ceasing the creative juice's flow with a violent jolt of self-doubt…. I hear my English Professor telling me that my inability to write well is because English isn't my native tongue, having been born outside the natural borders of ‘English-dom’—although I’ve lived within these borders for two decades. I’m still letting her affect me, causing me to distrust my ability and potentiality. Fuck her! The impasse shall pass. (I’m sorry, that was the lamest sentence I’ve ever written so far.)

Anyways, I will get those posts done. Je promets.

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