Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Blogoliday Post: Would You Like to Take a Haiku?

FYI: If you say "haiku" many times and fast enough, you'll hear "hike."

So, shall I rattle the box of a goblin? Sure, why not? Hehehe.

Well, my dear reader(s), I have to say I've been enjoying my blogoliday. I'm not stuck inside my own head as much, and most importantly, I'm not writing about it—repeatedly. I mean, it's not like those entries are something interesting or profound.

No! Wait!—"Mr. Chairperson, I move to strike the previous remark for being too self-loathing."

Anyways, "Enjoying"... yada, yada, yada... "writing"... yada... and, I'm extrospecting* a little. I likey, likey!

Well, let me provide you yet again with an exposition: A blogoliday post is a post where I rehash my old post for your reading pleasure. At the end, I give you a little challenge. You must comply. Because if you don't, I'll know you don't love me and I'll be crushed, devastated, extinguished.

There are days when you feel ugly, or feel ugly—it's an introspective view; an extrospective* view is—there are days when the world feels ugly, or feels ugly. And the summation of them says ALL is U.G.L.Y.

There's chaos, disharmony, an elegy.

But there was this one tiny insignificant moment in time and space that uplifted me: the world looked beautiful to me, I felt beautiful in it; I felt connected to the world, the world felt connected to me. And I tried writing a normal post, but it kinda evolved into.., well, it was partly because of the great doctor's haikus, which later found themselves bound in paper. I'm no poet, but I like to play one in my blog. So, without further ado...
019: I Live in the Now

On a Sun soaked day
In the greatest town on Earth
I'm taking a stroll

From down the street...

A boy throws a fit
Tugging at his nanny's arm
But she trudges on

As we cross path...

Her face is stone cold
Revealing nothing, but wait—
Did her eyes just roll?

Giving her a nod
One, full of understanding
I crack a huge smile

How precious is this
A moment of connection
Between two strangers

Continuing my walk...

On a Sun soaked day
In the greatest town on Earth
I realize it

I am fortunate.

I live in the Now.
Now, for the challenge: Write your own haiku(s). Write about some small moment in your life, a moment you felt at peace with the world, at peace with yourself. The teacher in me would like to see you in your haiku. There's no deadline. Consider this an open challenge running indefinitely. Once you post your haiku(s), let me know by sending me a comment or an e-mail. You can even A.I.M. me (fullofhype).

So, would you like to take a haiku? With me?

*I can make up words because I used to be an "English" teacher.

Addendum (01/18/06 09:51PM): Oh, I almost forgot. I'll consider this challenge a success if I get—and I'm going to dream big here—if I get at least five bloggers to take a haiku with me.

Oh, as I'm watching Lost, I can't get over how hot Matthew Fox is!

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