Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Essay In Progress


While waiting for the Beef Red Curry (it's either a Malaysian or an Indonesian dish) to arrive, I started jotting down some thoughts and ideas for the AMCAS essay. Here's what I wrote:

What's the purpose? Why am I writing this?
It's to show that I'm an excellent candidate to be a future physician.

How will I show the schools that they should take me on?
I must demonstrate that I have desirable qualities that fit, or at least fit closely, to what an ideal physician should be, writing some of my life experiences that speak to those qualities. I can write about teaching in Japan, interning in Uganda, studying at my grad school, etc. But I think I need specific events... Must dig deeper.

What are those desirable qualities?
Well, I think I'm passionate. I'm passionate about wanting to help people... mainly because helping others is much more fulfilling than helping yourself. Being selfish will only go so far in life, I think, in terms of one's happiness. But saying, "I want to help people" is such a bore!!! A passion for service? For what ends? To say, "I want to be a doctor to be fulfilled and happy," sounds like I'd be asking for trouble. But anyways, it's another "Must dig deeper" situation.

Compassion is another quality. Inquisitiveness is another...

Shit! I hate "selling" myself.

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