Tuesday, March 21, 2006

153: Oops!

Oh my dear blog, I have neglected you!

What contrition can I make to appease you?

I had hope to have a life outside of my job, but suddenly I find myself engulfed more by the Man's suffocating grip.

Oh, how I wish I could have told you about my recent Best Buy runs and reflected on the significant meaning those runs had for me. And of course, I would have loved to bore you about the time a co-worker fondled me, and once again reflect on how meaningless it was. Yes, it is important that you should have heard about how my on-going celibant lifestyle is coming along, or rather not cumming along. Not to mention, you needing to hear a useless thought that crossed my mind about reality, mathematics, and God, which I briefly shared with another blogger via AIM, and thus giving him one helluva headache. Also, I wanted to share with you, my dear blog, how I was contemplating attending this year's Black Party. But realizing that this weekend I travel to LA for work, the option to attend is gone and I'm left slightly peeved.

Alas, indeed, my life now equals my job. Can anything be more pathetic?

So, my dear blog, I have neglected you. But don't fret. I have not forgotten you, nor will I ever lose you to oblivion.

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