Wednesday, April 05, 2006

155: Life, the Universe, and Everything

Firstly, I want to thank goblinbox and vuboq/enviroboi for their suggestions. I am currently crafting something to post, something personal. So, stay tuned. To be honest, I've kept myself from posting anything personal; but it became clear to me that if I don't share anything remotely personal, I have nothing, absolutely nothing, to write about. Seriously, blogging is indeed a very narcissistic exercise, and I would not have it any other way!

Secondly, while on a business trip to sunny SoCal, I've had a chance to hang out with an old friend at Downtown Disney. While we both bemoaned the fact that we were so close to the magic that is Disneyland, and were unable to partake in hugging Mickey Mouse due to budgetary and, especially, time constraints, we did, however, manage to share our own unique perspectives on life, the universe, and everything. She bitched about her stressful work life, I questioned my purpose in the universe, and we moped about everything. I tell you, it was somewhat depressing. No, no, no, I kid. It was absolutely depressing. I'm kidding. You know I'm kidding, right? Seriously, it was absolutely fantastic to catch up and hang out. I think it's truly amazing that, even though the number of friends I have, I can count with my two hands and, even though they are scattered in these U.S. of A., I can totally rely on them, and I hope, they, on me. So, here's to good friends!

Thirdly and lastly, I am going on another business trip towards the end of this month to DC. Hopefully, I'll reconnect with my old buddies, and most importantly, I'll get to chill out with a fellow blogger! I'm embolden by this blogger's invitation to meet and greet. So, if any of you, dear readers, in the DC area are inclined to favor and grace me with your presence, you will not find a naysayer in me; rather, you will find someone eager to meet and make new friends. I'll be in town on the 22nd. So, here's to new friends!

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