Saturday, April 15, 2006

157: Meryl Streep and Bob Marley

A few days ago, I was watching GMA as I was getting ready for work, and Diane Sawyer, Charlie Gibson, and company were talking about Then today I see in my friend's Xanga site that she's gone into the site, uploaded her picture, and reported what the site told her she resembled. I've gone and done the same and here's what it reports (the linked names are people I don't know):

Picture #1: tells me I most resemble...
Meryl Streep 61%
Hilary Swank 59%
Antonio Saboto Jr. 58%
Brooke Shields 58%
Madonna 54%
Bae Yong-Joon 54%
Nicolas Tse 54%
Gwyneth Paltrow 53%
Sammi Cheng 53%
Yasmine Bleeth 52%
Yes, yes, I know. The list reads like a line-up of drag persona I can take on, that is, should I ever do drag on Halloween, at Pride, or at work. But, you have to agree, those are some good iconic figures. And who am I to argue when they tell me I look like Antonio, Yonsama (the Korean actor who flamed the Hallyu boom in Japan), and Nicolas.

Picture #2:

My tells me I most resemble...
Bob Marley 68%
Forest Whitaker 63%
Missy Elliott 60%
J. K. Rowling 54%
Shoko Asahara 53%
Margaret Cho 51%
Janica Kostelic 50%
Wu Yi 50%
Matthew Broderick 50%
Ben Affleck 49%
I think I like how this list reads better. it's a good mix: you have those who are hot (Bob) and those who are not (Ben), you have the talented (Rowling) and the talent-less (Ben), you have the fat one (Moran, I love you!), and yes, yes, yes, you have the messianic figure who ordered the deadly sarin gas attack on the Tokyo's underground (Asahara). Isn't that interesting?

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