Monday, February 06, 2006

Blogoliday Post: I'm Nauseous

I feel like hurling.
Oh God, here comes the upchuck.
Stand clear, I'm gonna spew.

Dear Commenters,

Thank you all for your kind words.

I'm feeling va-klempt... Oo-Uh... Talk amongst yourselves, I'll give you a topic:
"The writer of the this blog is neither a non-entity nor does he need an identity to define who he is."

Ok, that was not funny. But it's a truth that I'm going to stick with.

Truly, your words of encouragement have uplifted me. It's thrilling to know that what I have to say resonates with you. So, I'm going to vomit.

The fact that tomorrow's hyphenated non-IDentity's 1st blogiversary had no bearing whatsoever in my decision to come back. No siree, none! I mean, it's good a time as any to start writing again, right? Sure, it's lamely symbolic, for me, that I can mark tomorrow as a new beginning, but, hell, we all need a new beginning, sometimes we need as many as we can get.

So, here's to a new beginning!

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