Tuesday, November 07, 2006

198: Nail Biting

10:51 PM
I think the House will go Democrat. I think the House will go Democrat. Ask me how I feel?

No, I'll just tell you. Ecstatic! I'm ecstatic.

Now, I'm concerned about how the Senate races are coming along. Virginia is yet again disappointing me. People of Tennessee could have spoken loud and proud, shedding the infamous legacy of the South, by electing a first black Senator from the South since Reconstruction. But are they going to? It seems unlikely now. Total disappointment.

10:58 PM
Let's see the Daily Show's take on this Midterm Midtacular.

11:06 PM
I love the "loser" stamp the show is placing on the pictures of... losers! It's so deliciously sweet when the losers are Republicans. Oh, the show's calling the Senate race in Pennsylvania. Oh, let's see what's happened to Rick Santorum, the biggest ass in the Senate. Oh my God, he has been raptured. He'll be no where near the Senate chamber. Hallelujah.

11:18 PM
ABC News is predicting the control of the House will go to the Democrats. The New York Times indicates 14 seat gain for the Democrats, and we need just one more to take control. We won. We have overcome. We have the House. Now let's see by how big the margin the Democrats will take control, or as I would like to put it, whop the GOP's Elephant ass.

It's a good change. It would be a great change, if the Senate went my way.

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