Saturday, October 15, 2005

097: Honesty?

Honestly? Honesty? No, it was more like a drunken revelation.


I was still my guarded self, a tower of self preservation, a fortress of stand-offishness, until, that is... Well, as if each sip of gin and tonic were like a strong hurricane wind blowing away the flimsy levies of New Orleans (yes, a bad metaphor, but I'm sticking with it), I let certain pieces of information that I've kept to myself flow. About how my life is like some cheesy romantic comedy, like "Never Been Kissed," or "The 40 Year Old Virgin," but without the romance or the comedy. Hold on, I take that back. My life is quite comic, really. Come on, not getting laid for all these long years is funny! But I digress.

So, I'm babbling on. To a guy. Who happens to be a co-worker of mine. And who happens to be gay.

I guess, I really needed to talk. Face to face. You know, to someone who shares my proclivity for cocks.

God, I'm embarrassed.

Well, happy people, the sun is finally out. Go out and enjoy this day.

Right now, I have to go meet my "Stalker" who's just arrived yesterday from Japan to... to... Hmm, I don't know why she's here. I won't even presume to think that she came all the way over here to see me. Urgh.

Forget it! People, GO!!! Enjoy the sun.

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