Sunday, December 03, 2006

210: A Home Is Where the Heart Is

Hmm... Is a home where the heart is?

Nope, I beg to differ.

A home is where I know I can buy for a scrap... Scrap? Who am I kidding? Correction: A home is where I know i can buy for a assload and sell in about 5 to 10 years time for a huge shitload.

Could a condo in Williamsburg be just that? Could my home be it? I don't know. I have lots to think about.

I mean, sure, condos in Brooklyn are generally cheaper than ones in Manhattan. And should the price of a unit be the same in both areas, indubitably I'd get more space in Brooklyn than in Manhattan. But do I want to live in Brooklyn?

New Yorkers, what say you? What should I do?

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