Wednesday, February 14, 2007

237: Bah, Humbug!

Reliable sources inform me that today is some special day for couples. I hear that these couples exchange gifts with one another, like flowers, candies, chocolates, cards, etc., as a demonstration of their love for one another. This bizarre behavior goes further: some couples go out to town for a romantic night out.

Well, on this stormy day in New York, I wish for these couples to not... I don't know, get splashed with cold murky water by a cabby aiming to zoom down the street with the intent to hit every puddle he can. No, we certainly wouldn't want that. Besides, it's snowing. Oh wait, I know. I wish for these happy couples to NOT slip on a patch of ice and fall, cracking their heads, resulting in a trip to the emergency room and having to wait for hours to see a disgruntled doctor to suture their gashed heads. No, we most definitely don't want that. No, we don't.

But you know, I'm not going to be sad about my single-hood. I'm not going to go home and waste away the night watching TV feeling sorry for myself.
Cuz ya’ know
I don’t do sadness
Not even a little bit
Just don’t need it in my life
Yes, what I intend on doing is trek on over to the Eugene O'Neill Theater to watch the boy who sings that refrain. Yours Truly will go alone to watch a Broadway Musical, Spring Awakening! And you know what? It's going to be awesome. Some may even say, FABULOUS. And I'd have to agree. So, YAY me!!! YAY to the single me!!!
Cuz ya’ know
I don’t do sadness
Not even a little bit
Just don’t need it in my life

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