Monday, February 19, 2007

238: Loveless in New York

A friend of mine suggested that I go to a Valentine's Day party hosted by the good people of Well, I didn't go. But I did check out the site and read a few funny profiles. So, I was inspired to write one too. And I decided that I would share some of what I wrote. Here it is:

The Essay

Simply put, I’m a sap. It’s in my blood. But don’t worry, you don’t need to pass me the tissue. Because the thing is, I tend to pit my heart against my head for a battle royale.

I’m a believer of action speaks louder than words. But the thing is, talking is an action, isn’t it? So, now I feel conflicted.

Oh, if ignorance is bliss, why do they say the unexamined life is not worth living? I don’t know, I still think bliss is found in ignorance. Come on, do we really need to know that Britney shaved her head?

I’m a glass is half full kind of a guy. But I once heard a comedian (I forget his name) say that glass being half full might not be a good thing. That it depends on what’s in the glass. And seriously, he makes a valid point. I sure don’t want a glass half full of sh*t. In fact, I know I don’t want that glass at all.

It’s important to know what one wants in life. But is it really dumb to say, "I’ll know it when I see it!"? Eh, I guess I have to quote George Michael by saying, "I gotta have faith," and be done with it.

Anyways, can I ask beg you, Dear Readers, to join as well? Because if you do, we, as in you and me, get, uh, whole two weeks of free subscription. Supposedly the subscription lets you email the members. If you don't have it, you'd have no way of letting the guy know you are interested in him, and then have the guy tell you to f*ck off, or worse, ignore you. So use this link, and sign up! Do it for me. Because you want me to be happy, right?


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