Thursday, June 02, 2005

041: I'm Back

Well, the Memorial Weekend getaway, which for me has been a week long excursion, no, a fest, if you will, of my mockingly minging attempts, strutting around, in my opinion, like a proud peacock, but in my friends' eye, the naked emperor, all in vain, all done just to persuade them, whom I hadn't seen for almost eight years, of my beautiful transformation into a badass—cool, controlled, and contemptibly cagey—that weekend, has come to an exquisite and effervescent end. If it were possible for a trip, a place, or a person to find one to tread new paths of self discovery—exciting and full of potential—and at the same time, to lead one to get lost in self disillusionment—exasperating and void of possibility, this weekend, this memorable weekend, would be an apt example.

Well, I do hope to post pictures promptly. There shall be ooh's and aah's. I say it so and it shall come to pass.

Well, whatever.

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