Saturday, June 04, 2005

043: The Number "3"

So I found her site and read this very informative piece on Lifecycle of Bloggers.

My hope is to go through this cycle at least three times. Why three? I don't know... I guess, I've always had a fascination with the number "3." Like for instance, when I add up the individual digits of my birthday (excluding, of course, the "1" and the "9" from 19xx, because, face it, most of the people living on this Earth were born in the 20th Century, and when people ask you, "What year you were born?" you would most likely exclude the first two digits of the year; besides, if we did include those two numbers, my crazy example will just not work, and we wouldn't want that), the summed total comes out to be 21. Add those two digits up, and what have we got? THREE.

And #3, according to her Lifecycle:
You become a stats whore.
Daily stats/referrals and meme participation for webrings, quizlists, personality profiles, and the occasional sepia toned webcam photo to make you look all “emo” and “sultry” and “sensitive” or at least a little bit thinner. And definitley like a Kpop music video still image. You voraciouslly groom your links list as you build a posse. The wishlist makes it’s initial appearance and creepy strangers start sending you gifts when your birthday comes around. You consider this slightly weird, but hey, then again, you *did* get that Star Wars Box set that you always wanted. You *start* memes just for the additional traffic. Perhaps you even start a webgame of sorts.
A whore, I have become. But where, oh, where are my clients??? I've just recently put up my Kpop music video still image of myself, but it looked too damn sexy, so I went for a more neutral, asexual look. If you look closely, you can see my name on the t-shirt. I'm such a dork. And God... it would be just so silly to introduce my wishlist on this site. I'd like to... of course, I've thought about it... yeah, I've mulled it over... However, in the spirit of completing the 3rd phase of the lifecycle... No, I won't. (Not yet, anyway.)

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