Wednesday, November 02, 2005

106: Simple Pleasures

After a separation that lasted two days, I was reunited, today, with my iPod. It made me happy.

I've been obsessively repeating in my head this one line from a song: "One more itch, You son of a bitch." It made me happy.

Tons of blog post ideas are percolating in my head. It's making me happy. But I just don't seem to have time or the energy to write them down. It's making me sad.

Don't worry, though, I've just heard Martha Stewart say, "You made something really, really un-beautiful." I'm chortling. Oh my Lord. That made me happy.

I'm gonna go beddy-bye, now.

Addendum (10:09pm): I've a question. What's the deal with Korean being spoken in TV shows (just now in "Law and Order") these days? Are my people finally being represented? Hmm... I'm happy.

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